Build a hydrofabric subset
id = NULL,
comid = NULL,
hl_uri = NULL,
poi_id = NULL,
nldi_feature = NULL,
xy = NULL,
lyrs = c("divides", "flowpaths", "network", "nexus"),
gpkg = NULL,
source = "s3://lynker-spatial/hydrofabric",
hf_version = "2.2",
type = "nextgen",
domain = "conus",
outfile = NULL,
overwrite = FALSE
- id
hydrofabric id. datatype: string / vector of strings e.g., 'wb-10026' or c('wb-10026', 'wb-10355')
- comid
NHDPlusV2 COMID. datatype: int / vector of int e.g., 61297116 or c(61297116 , 6129261)
- hl_uri
hydrolocation URI. datatype: string / vector of string / a url e.g., HUC12-010100100101 or c(HUC12-010100100101 , HUC12-010100110104)
- poi_id
POI identifier. datatype: int / vector of int e.g., 266387 or c(266387, 266745)
- nldi_feature
list with names 'featureSource' and 'featureID' where 'featureSource' is derived from the "source" column of the response of dataRetrieval::get_nldi_sources() and the 'featureID' is a known identifier from the specified 'featureSource'. datatype: a url e.g., ''
- xy
Location given as vector of XY in EPSG:4326 (longitude, latitude, crs)
- lyrs
layers to extract
- gpkg
a local gpkg file
- source
hydrofabric source (local root directory or s3 link)
- hf_version
hydrofabric version
- type
hydrofabric type
- domain
hydrofabric domain
- outfile
If gpkg file path is provided, data will be written to a file.
- overwrite
overwrite existing outfile file path. Default is FALSE